Air Technical Services HVAC LBI is treating this health emergency with utmost importance. We plan to keep the business operational as our services are essential to everyday living. Our staff has been instructed to protect themselves and the customers we visit. They are to clean their hands constantly, no handshaking, and keep a safe distance from customers. They have been instructed to stay home at the first sign of illness. They will be allowed paid extended sick days if confirmed to have the Virus. We don’t want them to take a chance coming in if they fear they will lose the ability to provide for their families.
For our elderly customers who have Isolated themselves already if you need anything from the stores, we will pick up and deliver things to your home. In these cases, the employees will wear gloves and masks when handling your supplies be it medicine, groceries, etc. This service will Be 100% free.
I feel it’s important we take precautions immediately given the severity of the situation.
If you have any questions please feel free to call the office anytime at 609-848-3760.